How Much Time Should You Spend on Marketing Your Optometry Practice?
Optometrists in San Diego open up practices to help people improve the health of their eyes, not to spend their day creating content and posting on social media. Of course, if you work in a competitive area, it’s not always easy to build the client base you want, especially if you plan to open more than one practice. Below, we’ll look at how much time you (or your staff) should spend on marketing, and what you can do to make it a little easier on you.
Breaking Down the Time
As you may have already guessed, it’s not always easy to pinpoint how much time anyone spends on marketing in San Diego, CA. Some experts say you should spend around 10% of your time on marketing, but this is little more than an estimate. Plus, it doesn’t really account for the actual demands on your practice’s time.
What You Can Do
The truth is that your marketing efforts have everything to do with your professional goals. So, to improve your reputation, you need to focus on fleshing out your business profiles and soliciting customer reviews.
If you’re going to increase your reach on social media, you may need to launch a campaign that reaches out to your target demographics, whether that’s parents with kids under 5, young professionals with so-so insurance policies, or older adults concerned about disorders like cataracts and glaucoma. Regardless of which marketing tactic you want to step up, you’re going to need to invest some resources if you want it to work.
Hiring Professional Marketers in San Diego, CA
Keywords, local SEO, custom websites, blogs, monitoring: marketing is often more work than people give it credit for. Trying to stand out takes some skill, and that’s why hiring professional marketers in San Diego, CA for your practice may net you higher ROIs than you realize.
At Digital Healthcare Professionals, we can help you piece together a winning marketing strategy for your optometry practice so you can get the revenue you need to either move up the ladder or maintain your current customer base.