What Is UGC for Dentists?

User-generated content (UGC) has become a major term in marketing. As influencer content becomes less impactful and branded content gets pushed to the bottom of the page, people rely more and more on regular consumers to relay their honest experiences about a business. If you’re asking how a dentist practice could utilize UGC, we’ll look at what you should know.

What Is UGC?

UGC refers to content that actual users make, typically to post on their social media platforms in San Diego, CA. The UGC you’re likely most familiar with for dentists is your reviews. From Yelp to Google, real customers talk about everything from your prices to your admin staff to your bedside manner.

How Can You Harness UGC?

The best way to harness UGC is to ensure that everyone has a good experience when they’re your client. If there’s an issue, you should act quick to fix it. Even if the customer isn’t happy, you can publicly post about the steps you took to correct the situation. This will mean plenty to prospective and current customers alike.

Can You Solicit UGC?

Yes! This is the best part. You can ask your customers to leave you a Yelp review or hashtag your practice. The catch is that you can’t ask the customer to make positive UGC about your practice, meaning they can post negative content or even lie about your business.

You can also consider an outreach campaign where you ask local influencers with relatively small follower counts to visit your practice for a small discount or a box of goodies (e.g., toothpaste, whitening strips, etc.). For example, if you’re a family practice, you might ask a hip mom to create a quick social media post about how their child was treated during their appointments.

How to Get Better UGC in San Diego, CA

If you run a dental practice in San Diego, CA, Digital Healthcare Professionals can help you find marketing tactics that are as cost-effective as they are practical. We’re here to help you fill in the blanks so you can build your customer base, attract new audience demographics, and maintain your reputation in a competitive city.

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