Should You Open a Second Optometry Office?

Opening a new optometry office in San Diego, CA, may be a lot of extra work, but it’s also the opportunity to stretch your skills and grow your staff. Whether your business is steady enough to warrant a new location or you’re growing so fast that you need more support to take care of your patients, we’ll look at what you need to consider before you’re ready.

Location, Location, Location

The question of location can be trickier than it first appears, especially if you’re bursting at the seams right now. If you open too close to where you are now, you can end up drawing business away from your original practice after seeing an initial uptick with both locations. If you open too far away, your primary demographic may find the second location too inconvenient to get to.

One of the best things to do is examine where your patients are now and which patients you’re liable to miss, thanks to where you are in town. San Diego is a patchwork of neighborhoods, and competition can be fierce, so it’s important to consider everything from patient loyalty to traffic patterns.

Challenges Ahead

You already have some idea of how zoning laws, employee hiring, rental agreements, and city planners can get in the way of opening an optometry office. The problem is that your experience can vary widely depending on where you open. If you were met with nothing but clear skies the first time around, it’s important not to make assumptions the second time around.

Digital Presence in San Diego

Your digital presence will have a lot to do with how your patients respond to the opening of a new location. You don’t just want to generate excitement by posting a few photos of the grand opening on your Facebook. If you want to really get the word out and maintain the reputation of both practices, you can find a digital marketing team in San Diego that specializes in the optometry industry.

At Digital Healthcare Professionals, we can help you nail down the strategies that will improve your reach. We’re here to help you achieve the revenue you’re looking for from both practices. (Maybe even a third when the time is right!)

3 Ways for General Dentists to Stand Out in San Diego

General dentists in San Diego offer similar services to their patients. After a while, it can all start to blur together for anyone doing their research on behalf of themselves and their family. If you don’t want to get swallowed up in the crowd, we’ll look at what you can do to help your digital presence stand out from the rest of your competitors.

Customizable Content

Your dental blog and website in San Diego, CA, should include details that make your office special. So, if you’re investing in all the latest equipment that makes appointments faster and easier to get through, this should be front-and-center for patients who don’t have a lot of time or patience. If you have some of the most experienced staff in the business, this can help you catch the eye of people with more complicated dental issues. Your web pages and blog articles should detail what your patients can expect and why you have the edge.

Social Media Management

If you don’t have a lot of time to devote to your website, you can boil down your communication on social media. These are excellent ways to boost your public image by engaging with the people in your community. Don’t be afraid to talk about what you’re seeing and how it’s affecting people! For instance, maybe you’re seeing more people grinding their teeth or more gum recession due to electric toothbrushes. This kind of information can provoke people to take part in the discussion and to remember your name when they need help.

Partner with Digital Marketing Experts in San Diego

The right digital marketing strategies in San Diego can make a major difference for dentists. These partners can tell you more about how your website ranks alongside your competitors and why you might be falling behind. Whether you’re concerned about reputation management or your SEO, you can get all the answers as to how you can start pulling ahead.

However you choose to define yourself, the staff at Digital Healthcare Professionals is there to support you every step of the way. If you’re ready to bring your practice up to the next level, we’re here to help you get ahead.

Pediatric Dentist looking at patient

5 Tips for Picking the Right Pictures Dental for Your Website

Picking the right images for your dentist’s website can be tricky. The right images will help draw in your audience and market your dental practice to potential patients. The wrong images could have the opposite effect. If you’re working with a digital marketing team, they can create a website that will accomplish your marketing goals. Below are some of the strategies that your digital marketing team will use to put images on your website.

1. Keep the images relevant.

Use images that are relevant to the pages where they’re being displayed. Images that lack relevance to the content can be confusing to patients and may even send them looking in the wrong direction for the content they’re seeking. Using relevant images can create the impression that your website is well-organized, thoughtful, and professionally created.

2. Optimize the images for fast loading.

Large files can take a long time to load, especially when the user has slow internet access. This can limit the accessibility of your website and may limit which patients are able to find your business.

This is especially important if a large part of your patient population comes from rural areas where Internet access is often slower, but it applies to all dental practices. Images can be optimized for fast loading, but it’s important to pay attention to size and ensure the optimization happens.

3. Crop the images in interesting ways.

Interesting cropping can make the images themselves more interesting. It’s also important to crop images so they’ll integrate fully into the webpage where they’re displayed.

4. Show your target population.

Are your patients mostly children and teenagers? Is your practice a family practice? Choose the images for your website based on the population that you’re targeting.

5. Ensure they’re suitable for all devices.

Mobile browsing is very common now, and this means that many of your patients may be looking at your website from their phones. Take time to ensure that all patients can see the images on your website from their mobile phones and other devices.

Want a relevant, effective website that attracts customers? Digital Healthcare Professionals can help. Contact us to learn more about how our customizable website design services can boost your patient base.